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We invest in our community with scholarships—grants that don’t need to be paid back.

Scholarships make up the majority of our financial aid offers, so our students can fully participate in our community without the burden of debt. We believe in the value of diverse perspectives to stretch our minds and strengthen our impact, which is why we’re making it financially possible for talented students from all backgrounds to explore life at BART LAB and Biomedical Engineering in Mahidol.

Faculty of Engineering

Mahidol University Scholarships

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Program: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (10 Position)
                 M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering (29 Position)

Scholarship Details:
    – A doctoral scholarship provides a full 100% tuition fee waiver, with the maximum value of each scholarship being 300,000 THB.
    – A master’s degree scholarship offers partial or full tuition fee coverage (50%, 75%, or 100%) with the maximum value of each scholarship being 280,000 THB.

คุณมัชฌิมา รัตนลัมภ์
Tel. 02-441-4255
Line ID: matshiratta

BART LAB Scholarships

Ph.D. Student Scholarships (2 Positions)

Program: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Scholarship Includes: Partial Support for Tuition Fee and Stipend (12,000 THB/Month)

Background: Graduated Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Mechatronics, or related field.


Master Degree Student Scholarships (2 Positions)

Program: Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering

Scholarship Includes: Partial Support for Tuition Fee and Stipend (10,000 THB/Month)

Background: Graduated Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Mechatronics, or related field.



Assoc. Prof. Jackrit Suthakorn, Ph.D.

Branesh M. Pillai, Ph.D.