BART LAB Demo Medical Robots at “Thailand – National Road Map for Medical Robotics” Event, organized by TCELS
October 31, 2014: BART LAB was invited to exhibit and demonstrate research prototypes from medical robotics projects at the panel discussion event on “Thailand – National Road Map for Medical Robotics,” held at the Grand Mercure Fortune Hotel, Bangkok. BART LAB was demonstrating several prototyped systems, including; “Surgical Robot, MU-LapaRobot”, “Breast Biopsy Robotic Navigation”, “Drug Logistic Mobile Robot” and “Robotic Tele-Operation Tester,” which was a real-time tele-operated control system to link from the event site to BART LAB (24 km distance). The Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS), Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand, was the host for this event to promote the national road map for medical robotics.