Sep 3, 2020: Awarded a recognition certificate from Thai Army for research collaboration on Developing Humanitarian Robots and BART LAB/ US-NIST Robot Testing Systems.
August 23, 2020: TNN TV Chanel / Interviewing News Scoop in Thai on
(1) Endonasal Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgical Navigation Robot
(2) Master/Slave Real-Time Remotely Robotic Control Demonstration from Thonburi Bamrungmueng Hospital to Mahidol University Salaya Campus (25 km)
(3) MOU Signing Ceremony…
July 3, 2020: Sakol Bee Nakdhamabhorn, PhD Candidate has passed for his PhD defense on the dissertation topic: Dissertation Topic: Robot-Assisted Percutaneous Pedicel Screw Insertion
June 30-July 3, 2020: ABB Train the Trainer Program for “ABB Yumi Robot”. BART LAB has acquired 5 ABB Yumi Robots for research and training purposes. It’s time to transfer knowledge to the industry and students with practical experience.
April 30, 2020: BART LAB member, Mr. Pittawat Thiuthipsakul has passed his Master Thesis Defense. Thesis Topic: “A Study of Standards for the Design and Development A Fully Standardized Hospital Logistic Mobile Robot for Delivering Drugs and Medical Supplies.”
Dec 24, 2019: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), Vice President, Associate Dean of Engineering, Associate Dean of Business College, visited Mahidol Engineering and BART LAB with Amata Corp.
Dec 16, 2019: Branesh Madhavan Pillai PhD Student has passed his PhD defense on the dissertation topic of: “Compliance Constraint Control Based Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS): Primary Trocar Insertion for Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Platform.”
Nov 27, 2019: Prof. Jackrit Suthakorn, Executive Director, Center for Biomedical and Robotics Technology (BART LAB) visited Ritsumeikan University, Biwako Campus, Japan. A meeting was organized with Vice Dean, Graduate Study for Engineering, Vice Dean, Graduate Study for Life Science, and Dr.…
November 6-11, 2019: BART LAB Rescue Robot Team participated in Robocup Asia Pacific 2019 (RCAP 2019) organized in Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU), Russia. A 9-member team led by Dr.Jackrit Suthakorn were involved as exhibitors in demonstrating the advancements done in…
October 18, 2019: Miss. Preedipat Sattayasoonthorn, PhD Candidate has passed her PhD defense on the dissertation topic of: “LCP MEMS Implantable Pressure Sensor for Intracranial Pressure Measurement in Brain Traumatic Injury.”