The BART LAB Vehiculum has finished the final competition with the distance 162.04 metres in 5:39 minutes, and won the Excellent Art Work Award. The vehicle is capable detecting the road edge and guiding itself to go along with the roadway autonomously.…
BART LAB members have developed an Intelligent Robotic Vehicle to attend the first Thailand Intelligent Vehicle Championship. The vehicle is capable detecting the road edge and guiding itself to go along with the roadway autonomously. The vehicle is equipped with several computer…
1. Dr Jackrit was invited to be a Committee for Thailand Rescue Robot Championship 2006.
2. Bart Lab submitted two Rescue Robots to attend the Competition.
3. One of the Bart Lab Robots won the Best Creativity award in the Thailand Resecue…
Dr. Jackrit was coaching the Independent Team to win the world RoboCup Rescue 2006 held in Bremen, Germany.
Paweena U-thainual, a BART LAB Researcher and student, was presenting the Binary Hyper-Redundant robotic manipulator on Twilight Show TV program in the night of April 24, 2006.
Peerapat Owatchaiyapong, BART LAB researcher and ThaiXPole developer, was present on the story of ThaiXPole development and its Antarctica trip. The presentation was held in the Oceans ’06 Asia Pacific IEEE – Singapore.