Four BART LAB Members Passed the Master Defends for Thesis and Proposal
On March 23 and 28, 2011, Chawaphol Derekwattana, Vera Sa-Ing and Woratit Onprasert held their thesis defends for the Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Mahidol University. The thesis titles were “Design and Development of a Novel Laparosopic Robotic System (MU-LAPAROBOT)” for Chawaphol, “Development of An Image-Guided Endoscopic Robot for Computer-Assisted Surgery” for Vera and “Novel Calibration Algorithms for Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Breast Biopsy” for Woratit. On March 28, another BART LAB member, Supawat Saeung, passed his thesis proposal defend in the topic of “Development of the Steady Hand for Orthopedic Surgery in Drilling Application.”