Mahidol’s President and NBTC Visited BART LAB
On June 7, 2012 Prof. Rajata Rajatanavin, M.D., the President of Mahidol University and Dr. Prawit Leesathapornwongsa, Board Member of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) paid a visit to BART LAB and other BME Labs for the Opening Ceremony of the Medical Communications Center. NBTC has given a One-Million-USD grant to support BART LAB and other BME Labs at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University for their research equipment and apparatus under the project name, “Medical Communications Center.” BART LAB has received a part of the grant to serve the BART LAB Tele-Surgery project. BART LAB has demonstrated several subprojects to the delegates including;
- Haptic Laparoscopic Surgical Training System,
- Ultrasound Breast Biopsy Navigation System,
- Fluoro-Navigation for the Femur Closed Intramedullary Nailing Using Robot-Guidance,
- Colonoscopic EMF Tracking System and
- MU-LapaRobot.