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Nattaporn Intawachirarat

Research Scientist (2024)

Brief info

Latest Status: Research Scientist at the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol University, Thailand

M.Eng. – Biomedical Engineering (Mahidol) / B.Eng. – Civil Engineering (Mahidol)

Selected Achievements and Awards: Member-BART LAB Rescue team; 2nd Place World RoboCup Rescue 2010, Champion-Thailand Rescue Robot Championship 2009, 2nd Prize RoboCup Japan Open 2009-RRL, "SICE Award" from Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan 2009

Master Thesis Topic: Toe Clearance during Free Swing of a Transfemoral Prosthetic Leg: Four-Bar Knee VS Ankle Dorsiflexion [Under Co-Supervision of Dr.Jonathon Sensinger, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago/Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA]